GIFT Chaplaincy Team

“It is up to you, young followers of Christ, to show the world that faith brings happiness and a joy which is true, full and enduring”.
Pope Benedict XV


St. Patrick's GIFT team are a group of Year 5 and 6 pupils, who have been appointed by our school on behalf of the Bishop of Salford, to give a joyful witness to Christ in our school. They provide support for our teachers and children, by helping to develop the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils across the curriculum.


The GIFT team assist with the delivery and development of the prayer life of our school.  As a group, they lead weekly Monday Morning Praise Assemblies in the hall, using prayers that they have written themselves on a chosen theme for the week.  


Our GIFT team also celebrate their own missionary journey in a special Learning Journey book.  They work hard to create work to share with our school community, writing prayers, reflections and gathering information about the religious life of our school throughout the year.


Our GIFT team are beginning to generate ideas of ways in which our school can support local, national and international charities, such as Caritas in the Diocese of Salford, and CAFOD worldwide.


Our GIFT team are supported by Mrs Betney (the RE Leader),


St Patrick's R.C. Primary School

Livesey Street, Collyhurst, Manchester, M4 5HF

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