British Values

Promoting British Values at St. Patrick's RC Primary School


The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”


At St. Patrick’s these values are reinforced regularly through our mission.

Our most recent Section 48 Inspection found:

“All pupils and staff feel safe and the school’s priority for those in the greatest need, raising achievement, inclusivity and personal development, ensures that all pupils receive a good education.  Parents were extremely complimentary about the support they receive from all members of staff.  The school provides a variety of activities to ensure pupils are nurtured and cared for. The outreach to vulnerable families is outstanding."



  • We encourage all of our children to get involved with the running of their school and provide them with opportunities to show how they can influence decision making giving them a strong voice in the school through the GIFT (chaplaincy) team and Junior Leadership Team. 
  • We also use pupil voice every half term across all ages and phases in the school to ensure that they all get the opportunity to provide feedback and commentary on what works well in the school.
  • Members of our councils go through a democratic process whereby they apply for the position and have to think about the contribution they will make to our school community.
  • This is extended to our parents who are also encouraged to participate in decision making within our school through parent surveys, parent workshops etc.
  • Our staff are excellent role models who develop strong, respectful relationships with one another, the children and parents. We encourage an open door policy to discuss any concerns and work together to resolve them.
  • We provide opportunities for our children to see how democracy works within school and the wider community through invitations to our local MP and by following local and national elections. There is also an opportunity for our older children to debate issues raised at local and national levels and to hold their own mock elections.


Rule of Law

  • At St. Patrick’s, our rules and expectations are based all around the Gospel values; tolerance, respect, kindness, sharing, responsibility, courtesy, perseverance and honesty.
  • We discuss with our children the need for rules and boundaries. Laws provide us with protection, they help us to take responsibility for our actions and realise that there are consequences, both negative and positive.
  • We ensure our Gospel values are at the heart of what we teach.
  • Our expectations for behaviour are clear and consistent across school. We work closely with the children so they understand their rights and their responsibilities for the choices that they make.
  • We promote respect for those who enforce the law and encourage a strong link with our local PCSO.


Individual Liberty

  • Through our Mission statement we encourage our children to take responsibility for their own actions but to also expect to be treated with respect from others.
  • We do not tolerate bullying of any kind and this is dealt with quickly.
  • We provide a safe and supportive environment where our children are encouraged to be independent in their thinking and learning.
  • We provide guidance on how to make safe choices through eg: E-safety week, whole school worship, road safety, bikeability, swimming lessons in Year 4, our SMSC Curriculum and our Religious Education.


Mutual Respect

  • Respect is a key part of our expectations for behaviour and is known and understood by all our children.  Children are encouraged to demonstrate respect for everyone they meet and to respect the environment in which we live.
  • Children learn that how we treat one another has a direct impact on the way we in turn are treated.
  • If children are not showing respect for one another we encourage others to speak out and help others to see why their actions are inappropriate.


Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

  • As a Catholic community, children are reminded of their place in a culturally diverse society. This is achieved through our Religious Education Curriculum and the spiritual life of our school.
  • We actively celebrate diversity and equality.
  • We actively promote respect for individual differences.
  • Our class and whole school worships promote the diversity of society and the rights of each person to be respected and valued equally regardless of ability, gender, faith, heritage or race.
  • Through our expectations of behaviour, we challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour of any kind. Our other faith work where each year group learns about another faith and their beliefs allows the children to compare and contrast cultures and beliefs and promotes tolerance and respect for others.

St Patrick's R.C. Primary School

Livesey Street, Collyhurst, Manchester, M4 5HF

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